World Records
Established 07/06/2023 - 07/09/2023
Maine to KW Time By Boat: 76:53:40
NYC to Miami By Outboard Boat: 35:44:33
Maine to NYC By Boat: 05:34:12
NYC to Hatteras By Boat: 05:44:09
Vessel Used: 2023 MTI 440X Open Cockpit w Mercury Racing 500Rs
Driver: Mike Howe of Howe2Live
Navigator: Sarah Howe of Howe2Live
Total Moving Time Maine to Key West - 25:05:12hrs
Average Moving Speed (minus all stops/refuelings): 70.48mph
Top Speed: 104mph
Average Fair Seas Speed: 90mph
Average Rough Seas Speed: 65mph
Average Fuel Economy: 1.65gpm
Total Distance Traveled: 1,768.01miles
Sea State Experienced: 1-5 foot seas
Wind Experienced: 0-25knots winds
Weather Endured: calm clear - windy clear - torrential downpour windy - zero visibility fog - limited visibility hazy fog
Please Note: All Howe2Live world records are supported by dual "separate" device real-time data logged GPS KML files. For a copy of the verified KLM time stamped data please email info@howe2live.com.

68347 Time-Stamped GPS Points